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Application Form

Undergraduate students (those that will be continuing undergraduate music studies in the 2024-2025 academic year) are eligible to compete.

First Place Award in each category (Voice, Piano, and Instrumental) is $2,000.

Second Place Award in each category is $1,500.

Additionally, a Best Overall Performance Award will be selected from the First Place Winners, with a further $1,000 reward.

First Place Winners will be honored and must perform on the Program for the BMC Guild Spring Luncheon on Friday, April 5, 2024.

Application form and payment must be received by March 1, 2024.

Scholarship Application Fee

Please pay the $25 Application Fee securely via Stripe. Then fill out the Application Form below to submit your information.


Note: We do not share, sell or otherwise misuse your information. We do reserve the right to publicize the name and school of the winning participants.